Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Over-night camping in the Park

I just found out that the Manila County Commissioners met last night to discuss the issue of over-night camping in the park.  In previous years, it was allowed, then last year after our reunion, they passed an ordinance stating no RV's allowed in the park at any time.

The decision has been made that only 2 campers/RV's are allowed in the park at one time for the following reasons ONLY:

1.  Elderly and/or mothers w/babies needing rest/shade
2.  Cooking purposes
3.  Security reasons

With this information, no over-night parking/camping is allowed, but you can have your camper/RV there during the day.   ***** JUST RECEIVED PERMISSION (5/4/12) FOR UNCLE ARTHUR TO BE ABLE TO CAMP OVER-NIGHT TO WATCH OVER ALL OF OUR SUPPLIES (SECURITY REASONS).  If you need to make hotel accommodations, there are links to hotels on the side of this blog.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment, or reply back to my email that I sent out.  If you did not receive an email, please let me know at

See you all soon!!!
